Occupy the Present – activist performance nr. 1

About three weeks ago I went for a midnight walk through Stockholm, doing an activist performance that I have wanted to do for a long time. This time without an audience, but the performance was, if I might say so, still delivered with elegance, wit and respect.

I did start with taking the metro to the University. My goal was to deliver letters under the slogan “Occupy the Present”. This slogan is my creation, free to use, but when doing so one has to refer to me in a suitable manner. See more about the concept on my blog: https://spiritualempowerment.blog/2023/07/13/occupy-the-present/

I delivered one letter to the University of Stockholm, with an echo of a question that I have seen researchers talk about for a while – “How does the development of wages for people with a masters degree look like since 2010?”.

I further went to the parliament building, delivering the letter that you can see below. It is a humorous question, with a serious note, hinting towards a new Swedish law, which prohibits public discussions and whistle blowers from revealing national security issues in a way that might damage Swedish interests, as well as the Swedish image abroad. Image. As if we are a logo for a company. There was widespread critique towards the law, but it went through anyway. My question was directed towards who or what institutions are supposed to decide what is damaging?

Furthermore I went to a special street in the same district, to a certain doorway which has no information on who sits in the building. There I ended with finger theater, with me or my generation talking to the Swedish tax authority. The issues varied between questions around the pension payment system to how certain taxes are calculated.

All of the questions will be delivered in a correct and suitable manner via post to the institutions in question by me, with a presentation of the performance attached. I will ask politely to get a response to my concerns, as is the right of any Swedish citizen.

Susan Florries 
Occupy the Present

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