5 ways to strengthen your masculine energy

There are many articles on how to strengthen ones traditionally so called feminine energy, and for a good reason. This amazing force, which I call Darkness Divine, has been suppressed for thousands of years in a society focused on titles, achievement and physical manifestation as signs of success. However, I believe that now is a good time to nurture our traditionally so called masculine side in a healthy manner.

It might seem old fashion to talk about these concepts in a time when particularly the young generation are discovering identities and ways of being beyond the restraints of the traditionally masculine and feminine. Yet, it is important to look into ones history and know where you are developing from. And if one looks at them as the forces of healthy darkness and what I call Loving Light, they are very important aspects in any person, no matter their sexual orientation.

So how does one strengthen the force of light, or Loving Light, developing a healthy, traditionally called masculine energy flow of manifestation and shine from within, with that awesome vibration that is your unique expression?

Let’s start with looking into the concept of Yang. Yang is masculine, white, light, south, fire (creativity), active, sun (strength and the god Xihe), heaven, warm, young, odd numbers (1,3,5…), mountains, rich or full and hard. It provides form to all thing. It reaches it’s height of influence with the summer solstice. Yang may also be represented by the dragon, the color blue and a solid line trigram in I-Ching (Book of Changes).

So as the Yang is a force of light, it brings out the details of what is within and around you. To pay attention to detail takes focus, preferably on one thing at the time, no matter if that attention moves fast or slow. Considering that this power brings form to all things, it is connected to the ability of bringing ones vision into reality, providing new things to see with ones own eyes, which in turn can inspired anyone to bring the next manifestation into light. This is a heavy responsibility to have on ones shoulders, but also an exiting prospect. That what one does has meaning and gives an effect.

Providing form can also be related to how one expresses themselves. Who you are to the world and how you present yourself to others is very important of course, and a vital part in the process of how others allow you to shine your Loving Light upon them and the surroundings.

So how does one go forward and become a beacon of healthy, Loving Light in the world? Some might think, since I’m a woman, I’m not the best source of information on this matter. On the contrary I think, since I have had to practice a lot to bring out this vibration in me, since it actually still is somewhat suppressed in the education and upbringing of women. I do come from a line of strong women with their own careers and was brought up with fathers (including stepfather) who taught me to be independent and develop my own, so called masculine abilities.

Still, I have been affected by the traditional role of a woman, like so many have. Like said, this meant a lot of practice to develop my capacity of bringing form to my manifestations with my own power, as well as much inner growth to dare to present myself to the world in the way that I want from the bottom of my heart. All of this gave me a better understanding and capability of shining my inner light upon the world in a respectful, some times powerful, sometimes gentle and always creative dance with others. I’m still practicing of course, and below are some of the methods that have and still are helping me on the way.

  1. Stay focused. Practice by, for example, meditating with your eyes fixed on a point, perhaps a bright point. Let distracting thoughts fall away. Keeping your eyes open enhances your ability to face daily life with the same focus. You can also do this exercise while for example washing the dishes or cleaning the apartment. Stay completely focused on what you are doing, one step at the time and enjoy as well as appreciate each step as much as you can.

  2. Write a story with yourself as the hero/heroine. What challenges do you face? Who/What helps you? What puzzles/quests do you need to solve on the way? What goal will you reach? How does it feel to be a hero/heroine?

  3. Stabilize your energy field. Feel the field just like you can feel the body sometimes. Are there holes or weak points? Are you leaking energy? Fix this with the power of thought and visualization, in conjunction with compassion towards yourself, as well as others that might be involved. For example, if you see a knife in your back, remove it, recycle it and care for the wound with your mind and imagination.

  4. Go out into the woods and find a power scream! It should not rob you of power, but allow power to flow through you. Direct the power with care.

  5. Write down some of your opinions and sit for some time with them, considering different ways of explaining them to others, as well as how to stand up for them, within and without. How can you do this firmly, yet adding gentleness and deep respect towards the opinions others? Is it important to you that people accept them straight away, or can you find it within you to be content with simply letting be said and give people with other opinions the time to reflect? Are you ready to change your way of thinking, without committing violence upon yourself and who you are? Reflect upon these questions often. Manifestation often means collaboration. Make sure that you can participate, but be ready to dominate in a compassionate manner when it is suitable.

My Why

Why do I work with spirituality? I want to sing like Lady Gaga – I was born this way! About 1,5 year ago, I finally got a title after 25 years of hard work and education – shamana, for something that my inner child thinks that I’ve done since I was born. I remember a strong moment from my childhood, which I wont describe out of respect for everyone involved. But it was a deciding moment. I was not even a year old, and I experienced how otherwise loving, kind people were stealing energy subconsciously from one another. It was obvious to me, I could see it happen. A newborn child was lying next to me, and I built up a field of protection and love around us.

I promised myself in that moment never to steal energy from others. Of course, as I grew up my experiences threw me into emotional turmoil at times, and I have surely played my part in this and similar strange behaviors between human beings. But I always remembered my promise, stood up and walked away, healed and changed.

Now I feel as if I’m finally grounded. My overweight during the last 5 years, due to medical issues (I had to take medicines which cause overweight), has helped so much with this as well as with personal development in general. My medical issues are now over and I’m loosing weight fast. I’ll miss it.

My why? Because the only drive in me is to dedicate my every moment to that promise of my almost 1 year old self, and to flow in freedom with True Love every day. And to create, art and magical moments. And of course, to dance with it all.

Photo: me leading a Cacao Ceremony last year, my first big one as a shamana, about 50-60 participants. So proud, of this and my title, and I allow myself to be so. The word “shamana” means “(a woman) who sees and knows”. A bit grandios, and I definitely don’t know everything, however, it says a lot about what it is.

Creating for the sake of creation itself

About a year ago I started making collages out of words from newspapers, which turn into a sentence. I don’t follow a plan, I make them very quick and then I paint, which I’m terrible at. But nevertheless I do it, using all from acrylic paint to crayons, marker pens and loads of glitter glue.

I even got myself an Insta account for them, with like 11 followers. But neither how many followers there are, nor how it looks is the point for me.

The point is, on the contrary from my other forms of expression, film making, singing, dancing, performance, storytelling and writing poetry, these collages are something I do without any type of feeling of having to create something with high quality. In the other fields, I have experience and kinda feel some pressure that it has to be good. With the collages, I don’t feel this at all. I just make them.

Since I started making them, I really notice that my mood is even better than before (I’m generally a pretty happy person, but this is deeper). I also experience a greater flow in life, as well as in other creative endeavors. So grateful!

And I learned to value the process of simply doing, creating, being in the moment so much more than before. Furthermore, my subconscious is communicating with me on a whole new level. Great life lesson!